The natural world influences Marian Blue’s writing including that in her latest science fiction novel Quantum Consequences.
Marian Blue’s award-winning writing (journalism, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry) has appeared internationally for 45 years. She’s published in newspapers, magazines, and books/anthologies (including her own books, also listed at The Independent Author Network).
Blue has edited both print and online newspapers, magazines, and books. She was founding editor of Soundings Review, a literary magazine. She also founded Blue & Ude Writers Services, which provides editing work for other writers.
Blue has taught creative writing, communication, literature, and various related subjects for Portland Community College, Old Dominion University, Writer’s Digest University (writersonlineworkshops), various writers’ conferences, and Skagit Valley College (retired in 2016).
Blue writes and edits both for her own projects and those of other people and organizations. She loves genre variety and is currently working on poetry and fiction books. She lives on a northwest island where she is constantly inspired by her many (rescue) animals, including dogs, parrots, goats, chickens, ducks, guineas, turkeys, one goose and one llama.